Wednesday, February 14

Hump Day

well, I got my "flat tire" (as Mark put it) yesterday. Not entirely my fault. My husband's grandmother was in town (she lives in Anguila) so I took the kids to see her on our way home. We visited with her, and by the time I got home, bathed the kids, fed them, and put everyone in bed it was time for me to get in the bed.
Tonight is XT, so I have a date with the elliptical machine. Hopefully I can make it for 30 min. I'm guessing I won't be walking outside tomorrow morning, it is so COLD!! Where is the snow? If it's going to be this cold, there should be snow on the ground!

The boys did better last night. Woke up once, around 11 PM. I'll take it. Hopefully they'll do better tonight. One day at the time, right? I've been chanting that phrase from the moment the twins were born. When things get overwhelming, I remind myself that tomorrow is another day, and things will get better. so far, it has worked.

I need to go buy more layers because I'm planning on being bundled up Saturday. I saw some runners today, when I went out for lunch and they were wearing SHORTS!!!! how on earth???

I need to get some more gloves, and a hoodie or something. how about a ski mask? hat, jacket, thermal undies. LOL If I'm going to be outside, I want to be prepared. I hope it's not this cold in Chicago in October. But I guess with the excitement and adrenaline flowing, not to mention all the people there, it's probably hard to notice.