Monday, February 12

Of teething and other tales

One of the boys is teething. He has been whining, and just upset all weekend. The other one is not far behind, I'm sure, at the moment he is providing moral support to his brother. LOL So that basically means one is awake crying, and the other wakes up because, well, why not. I'm not sure how long we slept last night, but I can assure you it wasn't enough.

I didn't get my XT yesterday. For some reason, Sundays are very hard for me. I went to church, and spent most of the day trying to get some laundry done, and dealing with all 3 of the kids. That was it. I wanted a nap, but that was just wishful thinking on my part.

Thanks everyone for the prayers. The funeral is today, and I am not going to make it. I've decided not to go right now. Instead, I may plan a trip for my daughter and I after the school year ends. I know Abuelo would have understood, so I'm ok with my decision.

I was planning on getting up early today and get my walking in before work, but since I hardly slept last night, it'll have to wait until this afternoon. Hopefully I can do it before the rain arrives.

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