Monday, March 12

Another week and a fresh start

Thanks everyone for your words of encouragement. This last week was really hard for me. Not only was I away from home, but it seems all the "stuff" sort of piled up on me at once.

But this is a brand new week and I get a new start. I didn't XT yesterday, my niece turned 16 this weekend and she had her party yesterday. She is so much fun, most teenagers wouldn't want a party with family and friends. She wanted one with a space jump (inflatable jumping thingie)!!! It was so much fun to watch everyone, young and old, jumping in there.
I was good and ate moderately, but I twisted my ankle/leg walking to the car and today, my leg is sore. It feels more like soreness from exercise, nothing major.

I did, however, fixed my lunch for today since I ate out all of last week. The scale is showing a bigger number, which normally doesn't bother me. Except I feel sluggish and I know it's because of the choices I made last week. So I went to the grocery store and bought stuff that's good and healthy for this week.

Got a comment yesterday from a family member that put me on the defensive. I was asked how far I was running now. I said right now, we had just passed the 2.5 miles on the long distance runs. The response was "that's it? you still have 24 miles to go". I didn't let it get to me though, I am building endurance, not trying to kill myself. I just said I could tell the difference already, when I started 30 minutes walking was a struggle and now 2.5 miles is very doable.

I have so much work to do (why is it everything piles up when you are out of town) and just realized on April 2, I have to go to Cincinnati. I'm dreading it, I just got back into town!!!


mag3 said...

Try not to get to defensive. I have had friends(?) tell me they have a bet going on when I will quit. Now that hurt. But I am going to prove them wrong. And you know how much you have improved. By the way, I am also Latin American. I have some Spanish, Puerto Rican, Mexican, and Chinese in me.

Mark Simpson said...

Keep it up, Kayra! They won't know what to say when at the end of June you say 13.1 miles! You can do this.