“And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.” ~ Kahlil Gibran
Kahlil Gibran is one of my favorite authors/poets. His work is so inspirational, if you've never read The Prophet, do it. Yo won't be dissapointed.
So I'm thinking the earth is quite pleased with everyone who completed the 4 miles today!!! WOW. My knees were a bit achy, but not enough to keep me from walking.
Thanks Magda for walking with me. I couldn't believe we finished all 4 miles, I know I could have kept on talking (and walking, of course) for another 2!!! Having someone to talk to while walking makes it so much easier, doesn't it?
The alumni were so inspirational, thank you so much for sharing your story. I am amazed at all of you, at your determination, and your courage to do it, not once, but twice (or three times!!) You are amazing!!!
I cannot believe I walked 4 miles and I'm still standing. Just a few months ago, the thought of walking 1 mile was a distance dream. So I'm closer to those 26.2 miles. The analogy Mark used last week, about finding a way to get to your kids if they needed you and you were X miles away is a good one. I know I would walk 100 miles if they needed me.
Lisa made an excellent point this morning. Find someone in your life who can't walk/run a marathon, and when your motivation is low, do it for them. That hit home. I'm doing this for my niece Lillian, who has struggled so much in her short life, and all other kids who have CFC and may never be able to walk, much less finish a marathon. They are my inspiration.
I love meeting new people every meeting, and seeing those I've met already. Thanks for your support and inspiration.
Mark and Robin, you guys are superheros in my book! When they were talking this morning about Robin on the 26 mile cheering them on, I was about to cry and I wasn't even there!! I'm sure she was a welcome sight for those who had made it that far.
We couldn't do this without you, you are so supportive and you always know exactly what we need to hear.
Saturday, March 31
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Thanks so much for walking the levee with me. It went by really quick. If I held you up I'm sorry. Nice to put a fiace with a name. I meant to tell you that you remind me so much of my aunt.Looking forward to rooming with you and Christa.
Congrats on the 4 miles :) It's so nice that you're walking for your niece. I had never heard of CFC until you shared her story.
How in the heck do you find time to read poetry? The "why" analogy of kids in trouble helped me too, but I thing I will save that for a longer run.
We are the ones who are blessed by all of you. The joy we get from MM is overflowing. Thanks for participating!
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