Tuesday, March 27

Pain, Pain, go away...

Trying to update this blog before I forget what I've done. LOL Sunday, my XT consisted of grocery shopping, and laundry. Why is it I can never finish the laundry?

Yesterday, I went out to the track at the high school. The track is not padded, it's an old track and did a number on my left knee. It is hurting, I can still walk but it's a bit stiff. It hurts in the back of the knee, the joint maybe? I don't know the technical terms, I just know where it hurts. I put some ice on it last night, and it was ok today. I felt the pain when I stopped wogging. I walked on the track, and tried to run on it but it was so hard. So I ran in the field, on the grass. that was wonderful!

I spent all day out in the field, somewhere in the middle of Marion county. it was HOT. I began to wonder how I am going to train in the heat because I HATE the heat. Then decided to get a long sleeve coolmax shirt to wear when I have to go sampling. I need something to keep me cool out there.

I think wearing my steel toe boots didn't help my knee either. It feels a lot better since I took the boots off. So I'm going to take today off, ice the knee, put some sport cream or something like that on it and hope it'll be ok tomorrow. Should I take some advil too? I took some last night, probably will take some tonight too.

I need to keep reminding myself that I can make it to Chicago. I went back and read my post from Saturday, and thought I sounded a bit cocky. did I?
I hate writing stuff like that because I always think I sound conceited. I've just made lemonade out of the lemons life has thrown my way. Not superwoman, just human.


The Miller's Blog said...

Not conceited at all. You should be proud of your accomplishments. I know I would be! And the hating the heat.... I have been wondering the same thing myself. If I break such a sweat when it's 55 or 60 degrees outside, how sweaty and miserable am I going to be when the really hot weather arrives?!

mag3 said...

Do not put yuurself down. Remember what Mark said. "If he talked to us the way we talk to ourselves, we'd walk out" Be proud of what you have done. And think of the role model that you will be for your own kids. Okay now how can someone from Panama hate the heat. LOL I hate the heat too and I'm from sunny California. I swear I look like a ripe tomato when I get hot. Can't wait to see you on Sat. I'll have to try out my Spanish HA HA

cjonesrun said...

First of all, you are my new best friend...thanks for your compliment on my blog!! Second of all, WOW. You have accomplished much at your young age. I enjoyed reading about events in your life...I love success stories and you are one, my dear. Third of all, those children will be the beneficiaries of your training time. A happy, healthy mom is a relaxed, fun mom. I now feel guilty that I don't train more religiously when I think about all you have to do with 3 children and a demanding job! I am in awe of you.

Christa said...

You can never finish the laundy because you have 3 kids! That's why. Ooh, your knee sounds like how mine started. I had tendonitis. Be careful, you might want to ease off some of the pounding. And definitely keep the ice on it and keep eating the ibuprofen! You CAN make it to Chicago. If anybody can, you can. You are one of the strongest people I know, really! You did not sound conceited. You sounded positive and healthy and like you've overcome hard times. This is what marathoners sound like. You are right on target. Keep up the great work!

Kim said...

Naa, not conceited at all. I was just in awe of your accomplishments :) Coming from someone who hasn't really done much of anything amazing; hence the marathon :)