Monday, May 7

The mind was willing, the body not so much

Saturday was the Robert Johnson Blue's Festival in Hazlehurst. I had planned on going, until I got home from our run. The exhaustion and lack of sleep got the best of me. I could hear the music from my house, and wanted to go so badly but I didn't think my body would take it well. So I guess I'll wait until next year.

I XT yesterday. Did Pilates and targeted my abs. OUCH. I'm hurting today. Why is it that I'm aching more today than I was yesterday? My legs are even more sore. I'm looking forward to getting out there today. I'm sure it'll help with the aches and pains.

Saturday, I realized I can very comfortably run for 1.5 minutes. Until Saturday, I could make it but it was a struggle those last 10 seconds. Not anymore. So I'm ready to attempt 2 minutes. At least I think I am.

BTW, Thank you Mark and Clark for going along with me in the last few miles. Clark, you always seem to know the exact time when I need a word of encouragement. I can't wait to have you cheering us along in Chicago. Thank you for all you do for our group.


Chicago_or_Bust said...


You were such a trooper! You really didn't look that tired, even in the home stretch.

For the soreness, you might try what Jana has found that works for her - the cold water in the tub trick. She sits in the empty tub and slowly lets the cold water come up and over her legs. It really seems to take the overall soreness out. I've finally gotten used to the hoopin' and hollerin' that comes from the bathroom!

Hey, Robert Johnson sold his soul for the Blues, so I think 'he can wait' til next year. :-)


Kayra said...

I may have to give in and sit in the tub. I take cold showers but I'm sure it's not the same.
bit of trivia, Robert Johnson's son, Claud, shares the same name as my husband (mine spells it Claude). I wish he would share the $ too! ha! oh, and HBO is shooting a documentary about Robert Johnson, shot in Hazlehurt.

Mark Simpson said...

Way to keep improving! You're looking strong!

The Miller's Blog said...

You're doing great, Kayra!!! I don't see how you do all you do! You should be and are an inspiration to mothers and wives everywhere!!!!