Sunday, June 10


So after my blog yesterday, I finished cleaning the house. My mom came over to visit for a couple of hours, then I headed to the grocery store. I came crashing at 11 PM (no nap for me yesterday), only to be awaken by screaming monkies. Or at least that's what they sounded like. Twins were up at 12:20. Gave them some milk, headed back to bed. Once again, one of the twins was up, this time at 3:12. He wasn't happy, that's for sure. He was congested and has another tooth coming. Not a good thing. Crawled back in bed, and before 7 AM, I could hear both of them across the house, calling for someone/anyone to come get them.

Husband said he would go, but apparently they didn't want him, because they threw a fit when they saw him. ugh. So I got up. I had invited our priest over for lunch after church, so I had to get everything ready anyway.

After they went down for a supposed nap, I crawled in bed, hoping for at least one hr of sleep. Apparently Cade decided sleeping is overrated. He was up 20 min after I put him down, and never went back to sleep.

I completely exhausted. I haven't been this tired since the twins were first born. To the point, I started to sob when I heard Cade crying this afternoon. It was automatic, I couldn't help it.

They are crying now. I'm beginning to think running a marathon is EASIER than raising twins. These 2 are probably the most stubborn people I've ever known. and yes, they get it from me. still, give mama a break!


Mark Simpson said...

Hang in there! Nothing is worse than screaming twins when you need to rest! It does get better, I promise.

AmyW said...

I remember crying along with my baby(s). That was NOT the good old days, feeling emotionally overwhelmed, as well as physically exhausted. And the man of the house often did NOT know what to intuitively do when I found myself in that situation. Yours is times 2. Keep this in mind: this will NOT last forever - the teething, screaming, sleeplessness of all parties involved, the cheerful gurgling from the babies' room at 2 a.m. Somehow, you make it through. Heaven-sent strength comes over you after those crying jags, yours and theirs. You pick yourself up, and keep on going. See you Saturday!

Kim said...

I hope you'll get some rest tonight. Sorry the little guys aren't cooperating.

Chuck Gautier said...

Yikes! Know you are impressing the heck out of me! We didn't have twins, and my wife still has bad dreams about those days.. You are doing awesome just getting out there. Hang in there! They won't be this young forever!

Did I Just Do What I Think I Did? said...

I COULD NOT do what you do. You never cease to amaze me!

queen said...

i'm with chuck's wife, and the nightmares. i remember it not being a very happy time. and then they turn 16 and get driver's licenses, and it happens all over again!
don't believe a word of what Amyw says!, sincs she's my sister, i know for a fact that she had very few of those sleepless nights. get her to tell you (privately) what she did.(LOL!!!!) (sorry amy ;)))

Robin said...

Yes, Kayra! I can assure you - running a marathon is soooooo much easier than raising twins (or any kiddos, for that matter). It is tough at this stage, but it does get so much easier. You will turn a corner soon, I bet. I know about the crying when you hear them start crying, boy, do I remember....
Hang in there - you CAN do it!
Oh, and you don't have to do it perfectly.

mom of 2 said...

I feel for you girl. I don't have twins but have two 15 months apart 4 and almost 3 now. These are the tough years and everything seems worse when you are sleep deprived. I remember days when I thought I would not survive and I just began to pray; Jesus is good and the next day always seemed better. Try to keep your perspective. It will get better.
Hang in there.

The Miller's Blog said...

I must ask: How in the heck do you do it?!!!!?

nissannurse said...

I'll say a prayer for you today and ask God to put those puppies down for at least a few hours!! Maybe mom can come back over and you can go to her place to nap?

VICKIE said...

so sorry you having bad days,, they will pass,, might not seem like it but they will,, just hang in there dont give up on the marathon, you have come this far,, you can do this,,


Carol said...

Oh, I'm so sorry about your lack of sleep. I do remember the days. Put them down for a nap, rest a minute and finally begin to doze off yourself, and then you hear them wake up. Thank goodness they are so adorable so you can live through the hard part. It does get easier and better and you even almost forget about the hard times when they grow up--trust me!!!!

Christa said...

You are our inspiration, truly!!!!!

AmyW said...

What is Queen talking about, my FEW sleepless nights. Maybe it was the box fan that ran constantly in my bedroom, that gave me some more sleep.Those were before the days of baby intercom gadgets and video cameras in baby's room. My first child screamed for 7 mos. She is 20 now and happy off at college. We made it through!