Wednesday, June 20

Still here

Well, it's been a while. I decided to come in to work even if just for a few hrs so I can start to get used to a normal routine.

Went to the dr. Monday. I have a pretty bad infection in my throat, two lymphnodes on my neck are swollen, and he gave me a shot and more antibiotics to take. Still have a lot of congestion but at least my throat no longer hurts. Problem is, I can hardly hear because my head feels like it's full of gunk. frustrating.

I asked him about training. Dr said to take it easy. Not a problem considering my energy levels are very low these days. I was planning on staying home one more day but the twins were restless sitting at home and I really need to get caught up with work.

I had a dream last night that I was running. I guess I am missing it. I'm worried about Saturday (for obvious reasons), I'm not sure if my energy level is going to be back up by then. That's one of my reasons I decided to come to work, to get my body used to moving around again.


Chicago_or_Bust said...

Sorry to hear you're still under the weather. You need to quit worrying about Saturday. You do not need to run. One good thing about Mark's training program is that you have slowly increased your stamina and thus will be able to tolerate short setbacks like this. Next week will be a shorter run, which will be a good way to start back.

Rest will do more good for you than anything else.


LegalSec said...

Don't rush yourself. Give your body time to heal before you put it back to work training.

Carol said...

Rest until you feel like you are able to exercise--you'll probably get well faster that way. And, if you feel better by Saturday, just come out and do as much as feels comfortable--you don't have to do all 13 miles when you are coming back after illness. You'll catch right back up with us once you feel better!

Kayra said...

thanks everyone. I will definitely be there Saturday. I'll see how I feel and do as much as I can.

cjonesrun said...

I hope you don't try to do the whole thing, Saturday. You need rest...your body heals when it rests. However, MAKE SURE you come to the party Saturday night! Take care of yourself, now.

The Miller's Blog said...

REST Kayra! Don't get too restless...Take your time and let your body run the course of this infection. If you try to get back in the game too soon or too hard it might come back to bite you! Take your medicine and relax!

Robin said...

I hate to hear you are sick - I hope you are feeling much better soon!

Christa said...

Everyone is so right. If you push yourself too hard, you could and probably will get sicker. Listen to your body and do what it tells you to do. If you are up to it though, do come Saturday and just walk some maybe. I sure hope you get better soon!

Kim said...

I hope you're feeling better today. Remember, if you're not 100% it's best not to push it.