Monday, July 23

Malfunction at Mile 9

Well, I didn't get to finish all 16 miles. I got up at 4, ate some oatmeal and was out the door by 4:30. I was a bit nervous about our 16 miles, but that's just 1 mile more than 15, so that's doable, right?

I was almost to Lakeshore Park when I started to feel queasy. I thought it was because I don't eat breakfast that early on a regular basis. I debated whether or not to turn around but I had driven for almost an hr to get there, I wasn't about to turn around without at least attempting the run.

So off I went. I wasn't so sure how far I would make it, so I figured I'd play it by ear. First I thought if I could make it to the first water stop, that'd be great. By the time I got there, I was feeling ok, still had some nausea but not so bad I couldn't handle. So I figured I go to Fox Bay and back.

It was on the way back from Fox Bay that my stomach couldn't take it anymore. Those miles were excruciating to say the least. So I was only able to do 9 miles.

I got home, to find out one of the twins was sick too with stomach issues. So spent most of Saturday on a Pepto Bismol diet while taking care of one child plus too healthy (and rambuctious) kids.

I was bummed because I didn't get to finish. At the same time, I was quite proud of myself because I completed 9 miles even though I felt pretty bad. I could have easily turned around and not try, but I'm a marathoner and we don't quit, do we?

Congrats to everyone who finished all 16, way to go!!! I am home today (my day off) stomach still not 100% but on the way to recovery. I'm looking forward to a run this afternoon, I have to take advantage of this nice weather.

Keep on running!


Anonymous said...

Hang in there. I have an office full of employees that had the very same thing this weekend. I am impressed that you even tackled 9 miles. Suzanne

catseye said...

I'm proud of you for getting in 9 when you feel lousy. Hope you're all better soon.

Debra said...

You're a real trooper. Congratulations for making that nine miles. Glad you're feeling better today.


cjonesrun said...

You musta been thinkin' of Uncle Jimmy...he got you through those nine miles, huh?! Glad you are doing better.

The Miller's Blog said...

Good job!!!!! Glad you are feeling better.

Carol said...

You are amazing to even try to run if you were feeling nauseated before you even started! And to even be able to manage to do this training with three little guys to take care of. I don't think I could have dragged myself out of bed early enough in the morning to run ONE mile much less as many as we do now! Hope all you guys are feeling better.

Chuck Gautier said...

You are doing awesome to get in the 9 miles! Hope you are on the mend!

Kim said...

You did great in doing the 9 miles. I wouldn't even get out of bed :) Hope you & the boys are better.

AmyW said...

Nothing worse than nausea. I would have just turned that car around and headed home at the first sign of not being 100 percent. Superwoman!

wayne said...

come by anytime.....wayne
work # 355-9624