Saturday, July 28


I decided to do my run here in town today. I knew it would be hard to get out of bed but I really didn't think I could get out of bed at 4 AM so I could meet with the group.

I got up at 5:30, made coffee, and got ready to go. Headed out the door as the sun was coming up. I had a good run, I actually got into the groove within the first 25 minutes and it was a smooth run from then on. Until the dogs chased me. 3 of them. I stopped, got my pepper spray, found a stick. That scared them off. I was beyond mad because I was "in the zone" and had to walk so they wouldn't come after me again.

I ended up going 9 miles. Ooops! I was having a good run and decided to go a little farther. Didn't think it would make that big of a difference. But I was more than happy, because even though I had to walk because of the dogs and traffic, I still managed to do it in less than 2 hrs. So I had a good pace and was feeling good.

I hope everyone had a good run today. I missed everyone but it was a very good, therapeutic run for me. I got to see my town in the early mornings, and actually realized how much I like this small town. As much as I would have loved to live in a place like Chicago or New Orleans, now that I'm older (and wiser) I'm glad I get to raise my kids in this small town.

Keep on training marathoners! Chicago is just around the corner!


The Miller's Blog said...

We missed ya this morning, but I'm soooo glad you got your training in. Wow, I'm amazed everyone can do long miles on their own. I just can't do it.... Congrats!

Kim said...

Glad you had a good run!:) Ditto Mandy--when I'm away from the group on Saturdays I don't train. Yesterday's run was a good one for me. Have a great week!

cjonesrun said...

So glad you are back to good health and had such a great run! (except for the dogs)