Friday, February 16

In sickness and in health

As I was leaving work yesterday, my husband called that he wasn't feeling well. He thought he may have the flu. Not good. I picked up everyone and headed home, and found him in bed. He was running a fever, but nothing too drastic. He stayed in bed, and I tended to the children. Needless to say, I didn't make it to the gym. I didn't think it was the flu, but he was convinced he was going to get it

He is doing better. Turns out it wasn't the flu as he suspected; but rather a cold bug. He is up and about, which is great news because otherwise, I would have had to banish him to his shop (can't afford to have the flu around my house). LOL

Not a good week for my training but sometimes life gets in the way. We can't change it, just move on. so I'm moving on. Looking forward to tomorrow morning.