Tuesday, July 31

Final countdown

So here we are, closer to the marathon. yikes! As excited as I am, I'm also scared to death. This is a huge ordeal and soon it will be here.

I have given up on my attempt to train Monday. I hate Mondays, and it is so hard to try and do anything. I think it's partly because I'm still tired from the weekends. I had to go out in the field yesterday. Do you know how HOT it was yesterday? Well, I was OUTSIDE most of the day, watching the drillers install monitoring wells. NOT fun.
By the time I got home I had a headache, I think it was from dehydration.

I hope it doesn't storm today because I am planning on training. I'm all for running in the rain, but I don't want to get hit by lighting.

Tomorrow we are off to the Big Easy with the kids. We postponed the trip from the weekend to the week because we both need a break from our jobs. Besides, we won't have to deal with the crowds at the zoo. Hopefully the twins will enjoy it. I know Candace will. Last time we went to New Orleans was a month before Katrina, and we did the zoo and the aquarium.
This time we are planning to go to the Children's Museum, and the Zoo. Not sure about the aquarium yet, we are going to see how it goes, and adjust our plans depending on the weather.

This is the twins' first overnight trip. Wish us luck. The only out of town trip they've taken was for Christmas. We went to Claude's grandmother's (she lives in the Delta) and it was a 1.5 hrs trip. I hope they have a good time.

See you early and dark on Saturday! 18 miles, people! 18! I'm planning on taking it easy, stick with my 2:1 intervals and once I get into the "zone", maybe do some 3:1 for a while, and back to 2:1. I think that's my game plan for the remainder of the training.

Saturday, July 28


I decided to do my run here in town today. I knew it would be hard to get out of bed but I really didn't think I could get out of bed at 4 AM so I could meet with the group.

I got up at 5:30, made coffee, and got ready to go. Headed out the door as the sun was coming up. I had a good run, I actually got into the groove within the first 25 minutes and it was a smooth run from then on. Until the dogs chased me. 3 of them. I stopped, got my pepper spray, found a stick. That scared them off. I was beyond mad because I was "in the zone" and had to walk so they wouldn't come after me again.

I ended up going 9 miles. Ooops! I was having a good run and decided to go a little farther. Didn't think it would make that big of a difference. But I was more than happy, because even though I had to walk because of the dogs and traffic, I still managed to do it in less than 2 hrs. So I had a good pace and was feeling good.

I hope everyone had a good run today. I missed everyone but it was a very good, therapeutic run for me. I got to see my town in the early mornings, and actually realized how much I like this small town. As much as I would have loved to live in a place like Chicago or New Orleans, now that I'm older (and wiser) I'm glad I get to raise my kids in this small town.

Keep on training marathoners! Chicago is just around the corner!

Friday, July 27

Random tidbits about me

I need to get my blog into a "lighter" note. So here are some random things about me

~ I am 1 of 5 girls. I'm the middle child.
~ I have an irrational fear of the ocean. I get very anxious when I am near the ocean.
~ I love the mountains and would live near the mountains if I could.
~ Coffee is one of my favorite things. I like trying new blends, different roasts.
~ I love to cook
~ My favorite author/book: Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Colombian) and his book One Hundred Years of Solitude. He won the Nobel Prize of Literature with this book, and it's one of his best books. I read it for the first time when I was a teenager and have read it several times since then.
~ I learned how to drive when I moved to the US
~ Growing up, I wanted to be an astronaut or a lawyer. I still do.
~ I love to dance
~ I don't care for the color Pink
~ I don't like to wear dresses or skirts (except for the running skirt ;) )
~ I would like to write a book about my family, for my kids/nieces/nephews. There are so many wonderful people in our family that our future generations should know about.
~ I hate mushrooms, peanut butter, and pickles.
~ I'm terrified of snakes. I can't even watch them on TV.
~ I am constantly setting new goals for myself. I need something to work towards.
~ If money was not an issue, I would be a "professional" student. I love to learn.
~ I don't like to talk on the phone, specially when it's someone I don't know.
~ I'm shy, stubborn, and bossy.
~ I want to move back to Panama one day.
~ I lived in Costa Rica for 2 yrs before I moved to Mississippi
~ I'd like to run for office one day, at a local level.
~ I like red wine, and beer (not together, of course)
~ I believe actions speak louder than words.
~ I have no tolerance for racism or bigotry
~ I don't care for people who believe their way is the only way. What works for someone else may not work for me. We were meant to be different.

One day at a time

Thanks everyone for your kind comments. I really appreciate it more than I can express.

I have learned thru the years that I need to take it one day at a time. I can't do anything about the past, or the future. I have to live in the present, and face life one day at a time.

Cathy is right, I am in the house of pain. I won't stay here forever, but how soon I move on to the next stage it's partly up to me. I have to make an effort to learn more about this new job, so I can feel better about the decision I made to change jobs.

Without planning it, or even thinking about it, I have a found a great mentor in Sam (fellow marathoner). Some of you know him, he is also training with us. And lucky for me, he works here too. He has become my mentor without knowing it (thanks Sam), and it's great to have someone who knows this agency very well, listen to my concerns and offer advice.

If it hasn't been for MM, I am not sure I would have been lucky enough to get to know Sam better. So thanks MM.

One day at a time it's going to be my motto from this point forward. Chicago is getting closer and I have a lot to do between now and then. Not only do I need to stick to my training, I also have to get my fundraiser together. Hopefully we'll be able to raise a nice amount for CFC International.

So keep on training!

Thursday, July 26

Life happens...

Thanks all of you for your kind comments, they mean a lot to me.

I haven't trained this week. Monday, my mom came over to visit so I didn't. I had a horrible headache Tuesday, and spent all day yesterday out in the field. It was hot and I ended up with another headache. Never mind that my feet were killing me from the steel toe boots I wore all day.

I got off the elevator this morning and fell. I had my hands full and didn't notice the elevator wasn't leveled with the floor, it was lower. I ended up tripping and falling on my knees. I am wearing pants, but still scraped both of my knees. ugh. if it isn't one thing, it's another.
So I'm staying in here until quitting time, to make sure nothing else happens.

And to top this off, I'm in a "job funk". Again.

Back in December, I took a new job. Until then, I had spent 10 yrs working on air pollution related issues. I loved it, I was good at it, and it was the area of environmental engineering I enjoyed. For a number of reasons too long to list (related to management, not the work I was doing), I made the decision to switch to another division, this one dealing with soil and groundwater remediation/cleanup. It is very interesting work and very different from what I've done in the past.

It's good experience, interesting work. But it's not where my heart is. I'm basically starting at the bottom again, learning something new. Where I was before, I had 10 yrs of experience, I knew what I was doing, people came to me for my opinion.
Here, I'm the new kid. It's very hard to start over at this point in my career, specially when I had my heart set on the work I had been doing for 10 yrs.

So this job funk has been growing in the past weeks. It's hard for me to find motivation to get up in the morning to come to work. I used to be excited about getting to the office and tackling the work. Now, I am going thru the motions, because that's what I get paid to do.

I'm sure this funk is moving across other areas of my life, like training.

Career change is not an option at this point. I have 3 small kids, so trying out something like teaching (which I'd like to do) isn't feasible because of the big paycut I'd have to take.
Moving back to do air pollution work is not an option either. I'd like to stay in this agency, and vacant positions aren't easy to come by.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I've had this chance to learn something new. It's just hard to start over, and to leave behind 10 yrs of experience and a job I enjoyed and was good at.

But there is hope in the horizon. Soon, we'll have our debts paid off, and that will ease the burden on our family finances. Maybe once that happens, I'll be free to explore other career options without having to worry so much about a paycut.

wow, now this was a depressing blog. sorry!

I'm still so excited about the marathon and I've started to visualize what it's going to be like on that day. Keep on running, marathoners!

Monday, July 23

Malfunction at Mile 9

Well, I didn't get to finish all 16 miles. I got up at 4, ate some oatmeal and was out the door by 4:30. I was a bit nervous about our 16 miles, but that's just 1 mile more than 15, so that's doable, right?

I was almost to Lakeshore Park when I started to feel queasy. I thought it was because I don't eat breakfast that early on a regular basis. I debated whether or not to turn around but I had driven for almost an hr to get there, I wasn't about to turn around without at least attempting the run.

So off I went. I wasn't so sure how far I would make it, so I figured I'd play it by ear. First I thought if I could make it to the first water stop, that'd be great. By the time I got there, I was feeling ok, still had some nausea but not so bad I couldn't handle. So I figured I go to Fox Bay and back.

It was on the way back from Fox Bay that my stomach couldn't take it anymore. Those miles were excruciating to say the least. So I was only able to do 9 miles.

I got home, to find out one of the twins was sick too with stomach issues. So spent most of Saturday on a Pepto Bismol diet while taking care of one child plus too healthy (and rambuctious) kids.

I was bummed because I didn't get to finish. At the same time, I was quite proud of myself because I completed 9 miles even though I felt pretty bad. I could have easily turned around and not try, but I'm a marathoner and we don't quit, do we?

Congrats to everyone who finished all 16, way to go!!! I am home today (my day off) stomach still not 100% but on the way to recovery. I'm looking forward to a run this afternoon, I have to take advantage of this nice weather.

Keep on running!

Thursday, July 19

those who blog, jog

Remember when Mark told us that? So true. At least for me. I hadn't updated because I hadn't done any training. I know, I'm being awful. I was a bit weary of getting out in the rain Monday and Tuesday. The last few weeks I've been sick twice and I don't want to push my luck.

But I did train yesterday, in the heat. gosh it was awful. I went around 7 PM and it was so humid and hot, I was sweating buckets the first 2 minutes. Managed to get 40 minutes in, before it started to get dark. I was at the track and they don't turn the lights on after dark so I had to go home.

About my knees, Wayne, they are aching today. It's not a strong pain, more of a bother really. Still an ache though. I may need to see what my schedule looks like and pay you a visit.

Sunday, July 15

Running, running, running

I think that's the theme for my life in general. I'm so glad I decided to do this marathon because I need that alone time, away from home, to get my batteries recharged.
oh, those of you who are wondering how I do it. I have no clue. It's by the grace of God I make it every day. Sometimes I find myself wondering how I have made it this far, with twins plus one, and only He knows how.

The fever left me Friday afternoon, so I decided to "run" the illness out of me. I left my house with my brain half sleep. thank you Mark for making us get up so early. The only way I would get in my car at 4:30 to go anywhere is if my brain isn't fully functional. ha!

It was a great run, even if the humidity was awful. Again, Christa made me push myself. I love you Christa! We agreed to up our intervals to 2:30/1 this week so we can run that on Saturday. It's great to have someone like her to run with on Saturday morning. now, none of you try to steal her, she is my running partner!!

I need to get new shoes because my left knee kept making all these popping sounds at the end. After I got home, both of my knees were sore. I had this problem earlier in the training, before I bought insoles for my shoes. So I figured it's a support issue, and that means it's time for new shoes.
And I need to stack up on gels, because they make such a great difference in my runs. So gels and shoes are on the agenda this week.

After I got home yesterday, I spent all day long with the kids, playing. They will not let me out of their sight, which makes it hard to nap after a long run.
But they are funny, and incredibly smart for their age. I enjoy watching them play, and interact with each other.

Cade loves to dance, he loves music. So we danced and he kept giggling. Braden loves to cuddle, so while Candace and Cade play, we just sat on the recliner and cuddle.

As for Candace, even though she is a "big girl", she loves to sit next to me and just watch movies with me. After the boys went to bed, we watched "Freaky Friday", giggled, and then I let her go to sleep with me. She loves to snuggle when it's just the 2 of us. I know she misses being an only child, specially when the boys are pulling her hair and fighting with her because she is sitting next to me.

Today would have been my grandfather's 95th birthday. I miss him. I think about him often, about the lessons he taught me and the things he used to say. Happy Birthday Abuelo, and thank you for everything.

eta: I went to the New Balance website and watched the video of the course. WOW. I had goosebumps just watching it. I may need 2 bandanas, one for sweat and one for tears, on that day. You know that lump on your throat you get when you are about to cry? well, it was there as I was watching the video! Imagine what it will be like on race day. WOW

Friday, July 13


Quick update. Thanks everyone for your sweet comments.
Came home Wednesday with 102 fever. Took some tylenol, which helped only for 4 hrs. The lymph nodes in my neck are swollen too. bah.
I had planned to go to the doctor today, but Braden started throwing up last night. So no dr. for me.

I think dinner didn't sit well with him, not sure if it's a virus or not. He seems to be doing better, he has been eating crackers and cheerios the last 2 hrs and so far, it's keeping it down.

as for me, I haven't had a chance to think about my throat or the fever. funny how your illnesses magically "dissapear" when your child is ill.

I am planning on being there tomorrow for our very short 8 mile run.

Oh, about the title of this blog. I had a dream last night that I was at the marathon. But there was no one from MM there. I was all alone! I was terrified, looking for a friendly face to run with me!! Then I got lost, couldn't find the course, or anyone to help me find it.

At the end I had found the course again, and was back on the race when I woke up. Scariest part was not having other MMers around!

I love training with all of you. thank you!

Sunday, July 8

It is hard to believe we completed 15 miles in the rain!!! I had missed the last 3 long runs, so I was a bit hesitant about this one. Thank you to Christa for making me push myself out of the comfort zone. I did the same intervals as her most of the distance. I don't know how you do it Christa, but as we get closer to the end, you get more energy!!

so here is a list of lessons learned while running in the rain.
  • Running in the rain is fun. Running with wet shoes/socks isn't. It makes for good XT though.
  • I hope it rains the day we do 22 miles.
  • I need new shoes. My knees are achy today and I am sure it's the shoes.
  • You CAN push thru the pain and discomfort and achieve your goal.
  • I found my mantras, the ones that keep me going "No pain, no gain", "you can do this, you gave birth to 3 kids", "do this for Lillian (see insert at the bottom of the blog", and "remember Uncle Jimmy".
  • It was such an amazing sight to see all these people, in the dark, getting ready to run. What an inspiration!
  • I enjoyed seeing the faster people waiting on us, the slow ones, and cheering us on.
  • Chicago is going to be an amazing experience. Just thinking about it gives me goosebumps.

Tuesday, July 3

The countdown continues...

I've been in a blogging funk. Just don't have much to say these days. Trying to get back into training mode, time is running out!

I am beyond excited about the marathon. Wow. Come October, I'll be a marathoner!

Thanks Mandy for the compliments on my kids. I think they are cute too, but then again, I'm biased. lol.

Best part, they are wonderful people. They make me laugh, even when I'm feeling blue. They know when I need a hug, a kiss, or an "I love you". Unconditional love. I can't imagine my life without them, they make me a better woman every day, simply by being a part of my life.