Thursday, October 18

The Blues

Am I the only one suffering from the post marathon blues?

Since we returned from Chicago, I've been in an emotional rollercoaster. Last weekend was quite hard, specially Saturday. For the first time in months, I didn't have to get up at 3 AM and meet the group for our Saturday run. I thought I'd be happy but I was actually depressed! Crazy, isn't it?

I haven't ran since Chicago either. I have been feeling completely exhausted, both mentally and emotionally. I can't seem to get enough sleep. I feel like I've been in a constant state of excitement these past 9 months, and all of a sudden, all those feelings are gone and I have no energy left.

I am going thru withdrawals (as Christa called them). I am ok with my decision not to train until possibly '09. But I'm going to miss this group. I can't even bring myself to close this blog!

On a different note, I just realized that the twins are getting close to the "terrible 2s". The tantrums have begun, so no dull moments in our household from this point forward.