Tuesday, September 18


I guess there are always lessons to be learned, aren't there?

We now have a double jogging stroller, in addition to our regular stroller. Since I am a marathoner, I figured I can now take the twins with me whenever I need to train during the week. That's the whole purpose of a jogging stroller, right?

So we head out into the streets of the neighborhood. Here I was, feeling pretty confident after Saturday's run, and thinking running with the twins will be a piece of cake after doing 20 miles.

WRONG! I forgot to take into account running 20 miles alone is NOT the same as running while pushing over 60lbs in front of you. The kids are about 23 lbs each, and the stroller weighs another 23 lbs.

Talk about a humbling lesson! I just couldn't do it. And the questions "Am I ready for Chicago?", "Can I really do a marathon?" came rushing into my head.
I had to remind myself that I will not be pushing the twins in Chicago, and that I am ready to do this.

So here we are, one day closer to the big day.