Sunday, July 8

It is hard to believe we completed 15 miles in the rain!!! I had missed the last 3 long runs, so I was a bit hesitant about this one. Thank you to Christa for making me push myself out of the comfort zone. I did the same intervals as her most of the distance. I don't know how you do it Christa, but as we get closer to the end, you get more energy!!

so here is a list of lessons learned while running in the rain.
  • Running in the rain is fun. Running with wet shoes/socks isn't. It makes for good XT though.
  • I hope it rains the day we do 22 miles.
  • I need new shoes. My knees are achy today and I am sure it's the shoes.
  • You CAN push thru the pain and discomfort and achieve your goal.
  • I found my mantras, the ones that keep me going "No pain, no gain", "you can do this, you gave birth to 3 kids", "do this for Lillian (see insert at the bottom of the blog", and "remember Uncle Jimmy".
  • It was such an amazing sight to see all these people, in the dark, getting ready to run. What an inspiration!
  • I enjoyed seeing the faster people waiting on us, the slow ones, and cheering us on.
  • Chicago is going to be an amazing experience. Just thinking about it gives me goosebumps.