Tuesday, May 29


Allergies. The poor air quality the past few days hasn't exactly helped. Congestion, headaches, sneezing. Add bloating, crankiness, and you have a deadly combination.

Saturday's run was great. Teamed up with Amy again (thanks Amy!) and finished at a decent time. I'd like to increase my pace, I want to finish in less than 8 hrs. But one day at a time, right?
Didn't get my haircut because I was too sleepy/tired by the time I got home. My son Cade was very clingy, I think he still was feeling crappy so that made it even worse. Try holding 2 toddlers, and making room for a 5 yr on the recliner. Fun times.

Headed to church Sunday morning. My niece was being confirmed, I'm her godmother and confirmation sponsor, so I had to be there early. Made it with just 5 minutes to spare. The more I try to be on time, the more I'm late. What's going on? It was a beautiful (long) service, but had to leave before I had a piece of cake at the reception because Candace was hungry.
Went home, and did nothing the rest of the day. Played with the kids and that's about the extent of my XT for Sunday.

Slept late (until 8) on Monday. I still remember when sleeping late meant getting up at noon. ha! Then we headed to Mother in Law's house for lunch. The kids had a great time, I had a chance to relax, we stayed all afternoon and came home around 5. I was so sleepy and didn't get my run in *blushing*. Why are Monday's so hard?

I'm looking forward to next month. My mom is finally coming home on June 7. I can't wait! I'm very much a "momma's girl".

*warning* vent to follow *warning*
I didn't start this whole marathon to lose weight. But I figured I would lose some weight because it came with the territory. Guess what? I have lost NOTHING and have actually gained a few pounds. It is so frustrating! I checked the BMI and according to that scale, my BMI (26) is on the overweight range.

My issue has more to do with my clothes no longer fitting than with the numbers on the scale. The longer I train, the bigger I get. I no longer know what to do. I'm not a junk food eater. My biggest splurge is a Coke once per week, I eat small portions, and I think I eat fairly healthy (no cheeseburgers on a daily basis, no ice cream at night, etc).

So why are the pounds NOT dropping? I thought maybe I didn't really have anything to lose BUT according to the BMI scale, I'm not where I should be! I haven't exercised this hard in my life, not even before the kids. I did weight training before I had kids but never had I gotten this much exercise. I know I have at least 10 lbs to lose, so why am I not losing them?

Ideas, suggestions? I've started Weight Watchers again to see if that helps. It helps to think about what's going into my mouth so I'm going to try and see what happens.