Tuesday, May 29


Allergies. The poor air quality the past few days hasn't exactly helped. Congestion, headaches, sneezing. Add bloating, crankiness, and you have a deadly combination.

Saturday's run was great. Teamed up with Amy again (thanks Amy!) and finished at a decent time. I'd like to increase my pace, I want to finish in less than 8 hrs. But one day at a time, right?
Didn't get my haircut because I was too sleepy/tired by the time I got home. My son Cade was very clingy, I think he still was feeling crappy so that made it even worse. Try holding 2 toddlers, and making room for a 5 yr on the recliner. Fun times.

Headed to church Sunday morning. My niece was being confirmed, I'm her godmother and confirmation sponsor, so I had to be there early. Made it with just 5 minutes to spare. The more I try to be on time, the more I'm late. What's going on? It was a beautiful (long) service, but had to leave before I had a piece of cake at the reception because Candace was hungry.
Went home, and did nothing the rest of the day. Played with the kids and that's about the extent of my XT for Sunday.

Slept late (until 8) on Monday. I still remember when sleeping late meant getting up at noon. ha! Then we headed to Mother in Law's house for lunch. The kids had a great time, I had a chance to relax, we stayed all afternoon and came home around 5. I was so sleepy and didn't get my run in *blushing*. Why are Monday's so hard?

I'm looking forward to next month. My mom is finally coming home on June 7. I can't wait! I'm very much a "momma's girl".

*warning* vent to follow *warning*
I didn't start this whole marathon to lose weight. But I figured I would lose some weight because it came with the territory. Guess what? I have lost NOTHING and have actually gained a few pounds. It is so frustrating! I checked the BMI and according to that scale, my BMI (26) is on the overweight range.

My issue has more to do with my clothes no longer fitting than with the numbers on the scale. The longer I train, the bigger I get. I no longer know what to do. I'm not a junk food eater. My biggest splurge is a Coke once per week, I eat small portions, and I think I eat fairly healthy (no cheeseburgers on a daily basis, no ice cream at night, etc).

So why are the pounds NOT dropping? I thought maybe I didn't really have anything to lose BUT according to the BMI scale, I'm not where I should be! I haven't exercised this hard in my life, not even before the kids. I did weight training before I had kids but never had I gotten this much exercise. I know I have at least 10 lbs to lose, so why am I not losing them?

Ideas, suggestions? I've started Weight Watchers again to see if that helps. It helps to think about what's going into my mouth so I'm going to try and see what happens.


AmyW said...

Wish I had a good answer for the weight thing. I have GAINED lbs since starting MM. However, just this week, I am finding more room in my last year's shorts. So, maybe this exercising MORE THAN I HAVE EVER IN MY LIFE is doing some good. Time will tell. See you Saturday. I am icing ankles after my weekday wog this week. Perhaps they will do better on Saturday with a week of TLC.

Chuck Gautier said...

You will eventually start losing weight- It's just right now you are gaining muscle, and losing fat. Muscle weighs more than fat. The days are getting hotter, and the runs will be longer. Give it more time, and you will do fine.. You still get lots of points just for showing up with twins and then some- Have a good week....cg

The Miller's Blog said...

Don't feel bad, Kayra. I have actually gained weight, too. I didn't do this to loose weight, but at the same time, you almost hope that's what will happen. Nope. Not me. But that's ok. I am in better shape than ever. And so are you. You are now officially a 10 mile runner!!!! How many people can say that?

LegalSec said...

I feel your pain! I had just started to drop a few pounds when I injured my knee and now have gained a few since I have been unable to exercise. I finally started swimming this week so I hope that will swing the scales the other way. I heard Mark say that eventually, the pounds will start "melting." If they don't, you and I can sit on him!. . .LOL You're doing great! Keep it up!! You ARE a marathoner even before you walk out your door!

catseye said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog. I am worried that it will be taken the wrong way.

Sorry you haven't lost weight. I have, but it has been SLOWWWWWW! I really thought it would come off faster than it has. I read a People mag a couple weeks ago though and there were some ladies on the cover who had lost 100 lbs over the last year. Their diet plan was pretty strict and all of them had taken up running as their exercise. I think sometimes we fool ourselves into thinking we can eat the same or even more since we're doing so much exercise. (At least that's what I find myself thinking!)

I think the key is really just counting calories -- 3500 calories = 1 pound. So you've got to figure out how much you eat, how much you burn off running and adjust accordingly. Of course, you have to think about fat vs carb vs protein and the energy your muscles have available during exercise, but it really boils down to calories consumed, calories burned.

queen said...

ditto, kayra. i haven't lost any yet either. clothes are tighter now than they were pre-MM. and i was in this to lose weight. HA!!

but i have hope. like i believe when Mark told us we'd walk/run 26.2 miles, and i said, yea, right. he says we'll lose weight too. so BELIEVE!! (and do what you have to do)

Kim said...

I'm in the same boat. My BMI is 27 which means OVERWEIGHT!!! I weighed 154 when I started training & have fluctuated between 156 & 161 lbs. Yet, my clothes still fit. My appetite had picked up, but now, it's back to normal & I'm eating healthier. It's muscle (that's MY story) and muscle is heavier. BTW, I count playing with children as XT. Thanks for the compliments on my niece :)

cjonesrun said...

No answers on the weight issue. I have stayed the same...no change in clothes and I need to lose "at least" 40 lbs. It is frustrating and very surprising. I will admit that I have NOT changed my eating habits which is a portion control problem with me. Maybe there is a clue there.