Wednesday, June 20

Still here

Well, it's been a while. I decided to come in to work even if just for a few hrs so I can start to get used to a normal routine.

Went to the dr. Monday. I have a pretty bad infection in my throat, two lymphnodes on my neck are swollen, and he gave me a shot and more antibiotics to take. Still have a lot of congestion but at least my throat no longer hurts. Problem is, I can hardly hear because my head feels like it's full of gunk. frustrating.

I asked him about training. Dr said to take it easy. Not a problem considering my energy levels are very low these days. I was planning on staying home one more day but the twins were restless sitting at home and I really need to get caught up with work.

I had a dream last night that I was running. I guess I am missing it. I'm worried about Saturday (for obvious reasons), I'm not sure if my energy level is going to be back up by then. That's one of my reasons I decided to come to work, to get my body used to moving around again.