Friday, July 27

Random tidbits about me

I need to get my blog into a "lighter" note. So here are some random things about me

~ I am 1 of 5 girls. I'm the middle child.
~ I have an irrational fear of the ocean. I get very anxious when I am near the ocean.
~ I love the mountains and would live near the mountains if I could.
~ Coffee is one of my favorite things. I like trying new blends, different roasts.
~ I love to cook
~ My favorite author/book: Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Colombian) and his book One Hundred Years of Solitude. He won the Nobel Prize of Literature with this book, and it's one of his best books. I read it for the first time when I was a teenager and have read it several times since then.
~ I learned how to drive when I moved to the US
~ Growing up, I wanted to be an astronaut or a lawyer. I still do.
~ I love to dance
~ I don't care for the color Pink
~ I don't like to wear dresses or skirts (except for the running skirt ;) )
~ I would like to write a book about my family, for my kids/nieces/nephews. There are so many wonderful people in our family that our future generations should know about.
~ I hate mushrooms, peanut butter, and pickles.
~ I'm terrified of snakes. I can't even watch them on TV.
~ I am constantly setting new goals for myself. I need something to work towards.
~ If money was not an issue, I would be a "professional" student. I love to learn.
~ I don't like to talk on the phone, specially when it's someone I don't know.
~ I'm shy, stubborn, and bossy.
~ I want to move back to Panama one day.
~ I lived in Costa Rica for 2 yrs before I moved to Mississippi
~ I'd like to run for office one day, at a local level.
~ I like red wine, and beer (not together, of course)
~ I believe actions speak louder than words.
~ I have no tolerance for racism or bigotry
~ I don't care for people who believe their way is the only way. What works for someone else may not work for me. We were meant to be different.

One day at a time

Thanks everyone for your kind comments. I really appreciate it more than I can express.

I have learned thru the years that I need to take it one day at a time. I can't do anything about the past, or the future. I have to live in the present, and face life one day at a time.

Cathy is right, I am in the house of pain. I won't stay here forever, but how soon I move on to the next stage it's partly up to me. I have to make an effort to learn more about this new job, so I can feel better about the decision I made to change jobs.

Without planning it, or even thinking about it, I have a found a great mentor in Sam (fellow marathoner). Some of you know him, he is also training with us. And lucky for me, he works here too. He has become my mentor without knowing it (thanks Sam), and it's great to have someone who knows this agency very well, listen to my concerns and offer advice.

If it hasn't been for MM, I am not sure I would have been lucky enough to get to know Sam better. So thanks MM.

One day at a time it's going to be my motto from this point forward. Chicago is getting closer and I have a lot to do between now and then. Not only do I need to stick to my training, I also have to get my fundraiser together. Hopefully we'll be able to raise a nice amount for CFC International.

So keep on training!