Saturday, June 16

Cold, the kind that requires medication

I think I have a cold. The sinus crud has translated into more of a cold. I had a fever last night, so no 6 miles for me. As much as I wanted to get out there (and believe me, I was tempted), I do feel weak and I need to let my body fight this thing. I have to be ready for Saturday.

But, as it normally goes for moms everywhere, being sick doesn't mean you get to stay in bed. Candace had rehearsal at 9, so I was up and about early, fever and all. She looks so adorable with her outfit and pink tutu. I will have pictures, I promise.

I came home to take meds. I have to run some last minute errands today so I need to be able to go. I'm thinking I may end up going to the dr. on Monday if I don't feel better. I usually end up with a sinus/ear infection after having a cold and I want to nip it before it gets too bad.

Funny that Christa mentioned the writing thing. I've been telling my family for a while now I'm going to write a book about my family and all the crazy characters in it. LOL I still think I will write something out for the younger generations. One of these days...