Thursday, May 24

Hardly a superwoman.

Thanks everyone for your kind words. Being a part of this group is great for my soul. You are such a wonderful group of people, and I'm enjoying getting to know you better.

I had to leave work early yesterday. Daycare called because Cade had a fever. He was very lethargic, so I knew right away it was not from teething. I took him to the dr. this morning, he has pharyngitis. It's viral, so no meds other than Tylenol. But he ate lots at dinner, and played for a while. Now I'm hoping that if Braden is going to get it, he gets it now so they can both be well by Tuesday.

I went for a run this afternoon. 52 minutes. It was harder than Monday because of the humidity. 10 minutes into it, I felt like I was melting. yuck. But I still enjoyed it, and ran most of the way home!!! Definitely a good workout. A bit achy because I didn't hydrate much today. Going to fill 2 containers up with water tonight, and leave them in the fridge. Goal is to drink both tomorrow. I need to be ready for Saturday.

Oh and haircut is set for Saturday after the run. I'm so excited I can hardly wait!