Wednesday, February 21


Hump day. Ended up going to bed early, aside from being physically tired, I am also in a bit of a "funk" (for a lack of a better word). I think it has to do with my grandfather's death and not being able to be there.

As luck would have it, my boys decided to keep me up from 3 AM to 4:30 AM this morning. I finally gave up with Braden, and gave him a bottle. He would go back to sleep, and just as I was drifting back into sleep, he would wake up again. This went on for over 1 hr. Needless to say, I'm a bit of a zombie today.

Oh, and Chuck, sorry, no maroon for our kids. We are die hard Rebels! (I got both of my degrees from Ole Miss). However, some of my closest friends "bleed" maroon, and most of my inlaws are also Bulldog fans. So it's all good.