Tuesday, July 31

Final countdown

So here we are, closer to the marathon. yikes! As excited as I am, I'm also scared to death. This is a huge ordeal and soon it will be here.

I have given up on my attempt to train Monday. I hate Mondays, and it is so hard to try and do anything. I think it's partly because I'm still tired from the weekends. I had to go out in the field yesterday. Do you know how HOT it was yesterday? Well, I was OUTSIDE most of the day, watching the drillers install monitoring wells. NOT fun.
By the time I got home I had a headache, I think it was from dehydration.

I hope it doesn't storm today because I am planning on training. I'm all for running in the rain, but I don't want to get hit by lighting.

Tomorrow we are off to the Big Easy with the kids. We postponed the trip from the weekend to the week because we both need a break from our jobs. Besides, we won't have to deal with the crowds at the zoo. Hopefully the twins will enjoy it. I know Candace will. Last time we went to New Orleans was a month before Katrina, and we did the zoo and the aquarium.
This time we are planning to go to the Children's Museum, and the Zoo. Not sure about the aquarium yet, we are going to see how it goes, and adjust our plans depending on the weather.

This is the twins' first overnight trip. Wish us luck. The only out of town trip they've taken was for Christmas. We went to Claude's grandmother's (she lives in the Delta) and it was a 1.5 hrs trip. I hope they have a good time.

See you early and dark on Saturday! 18 miles, people! 18! I'm planning on taking it easy, stick with my 2:1 intervals and once I get into the "zone", maybe do some 3:1 for a while, and back to 2:1. I think that's my game plan for the remainder of the training.


Chuck Gautier said...

have a great trip to the big easy, and see you on the trail after sun up!

The Miller's Blog said...

Have a fun trip and be careful. The first time we took Brennan out of town he was 5 weeks old and we drove to Dallas to see my grandparents. Then when he was 10 weeks old, we had to take him back for my grandmother's funeral. I was a nervous wreck! Anyway, I know you will have a great time!!!! See ya Sat.

LegalSec said...

Have fun in New Orleans and we'll see you Saturday!

Kim said...

Have a great trip & don't forget to hydrate! :)

Christa said...

Were the 2.5:1's not working for you? That's what I've been doing (well, when I do it at all anyway).

cjonesrun said...

Hope all went well in N.O. Although it was probably hot and humid, it was nice to have a break from your routine. See ya Saturday!