Thursday, August 9

A day in the life

It's been a while, I know. Just not in a bloggin mood, and very busy.

New Orleans was great, I am so glad we decided to go. There were far less people there than we expected. It broke my heart to see this great city so liveless. I don't know if it was because I went during the week, but there weren't there as many tourists as there were pre-Katrina.

The twins were great, they behaved really well. They were so cute at the hotel. We stayed on the 10th floor, so they kept running to the windows and looking out, and pointing, talking, laughing. Just cute.
They woke up in the middle of the night and decided to make the most of it. Starting talking to each other, laughing, playing. I guess this was better than crying, but I was exhausted. They finally settled down around 3 AM.
They liked the zoo, but weren't as impressed with it as they were with the aquarium. I guess at 15 months, it's hard to appreciate the zoo. They loved the aquarium though, it's awesome to "rediscover" the world thru my children's eyes.

Even the ride there and back was good. It was exhausting, as you can imagine, dealing with all 3 of them. But they behaved well, and we are more confident with our ability to handle them in the big city.

Not much training recently. just lots going on. and I've been feeling exhausted.

My days begin at 5 when the alarm goes off. I have to be at work at 8 so in 3 hrs, I have to get ready, get the twins ready (they commute to Jackson with me), get Candace ready for school/camp, drive to Jackson, drop the twins off, and get here.

Afternoons are pretty much the same, get home, cook, feed everyone, bathe everyone, get them in bed, clean the kitchen, wash clothes, pay bills, watch something on tv to get my mind to unwind. Even though my husband helps out a lot, there is 2 of us, to take care of 3 kids and their needs.

Somewhere in there I fit in training, time with my husband, time with my daughter to read her a book, and time to myself. Finally in bed by 11 and before I know, the alarm is going off again. Assuming everyone slept thru the night, but that's a story for another time.

Chicago is closer! My daughter told me Tuesday one day she will run a marathon too. I told her I'll be there to cheer her on and I'll be so proud of her.


The Miller's Blog said...

Whew. You just made me extremely tired, Super Woman. I look up to you. No way I could've done this working full time with ONE kid and a supportive husband. Not enough hours in the day.....

Carol said...

What a neat family. Before you know it, they are going to be grown up like my kids! And, what a good example you are setting for them--I can't believe your daughter says she wants to do one!

cjonesrun said...

Can't imagine why you are feeling exhausted. I know it is tough with 3 kids, a full time job, not even counting training for a marathon. Law school will be a breeze for you...the kids will be older and more independent. Just as Carol said, they will be leaving that nest all too soon...enjoy these busy times.

Kim said...

Don't know how you and other "marathon parents" manage to do your training, work & meet your family obligations. I am in AWE! Hopefully, I'll see you Saturday! :)