Tuesday, January 30

What did I get myself into this time?

I've been thinking about doing a marathon for the last couple of years. Last year's kickoff found me pregnant (with twins). So when this year's kick off got closer, I had no reason not to join. Taking care of my family and working full time keeps me busy, and I have not been taking time for myself since the twins were born. So training this marathon will allow me to have "me" time without feeling guilty (moms will understand what I mean).
I went out for a walk yesterday afternoon, after getting back from work. It was cold, but it was actually nice. I walked around the neighborhood, and the streets were really quiet. I could actually hear myself think! I have a gym membership but walking on the treadmill doesn't really appeal to me, although I'm sure once it starts to get hot, it will.

1 comment:

Mark Simpson said...

My twins are 14 now and Robin and I can relate! You go for it.