Wednesday, April 11

One Step at the time...

I've been watching my sons attempt to take their first steps. They'll stand up while holding on to something, and once their little legs are strong enough, they let go, and try to take a step. It usually doesn't last very long before they fall. But they get right back up, and try again. Eventually they'll have it mastered and they'll be walking.

I guess I'm in that stage with my marathon training. I need to keep on trying, no matter if I fall, no matter if I feel I'm walking/running too slow. How will I ever make it to the finish line if I expect to go from zero to 26.2 miles without going thru it step by step?

I didn't do my part Monday. Parenting books I've been reading (to figure out why my sons wake up at night crying) told me it's probably separation anxiety caused by the fact I work. yeah, makes one feel really good. So I stayed home and played with the kids. (by the way, they slept all night last night, proving their theory wrong.)

I did 25 min yesterday. I ran for 1 min, walked for 1 min. It was HARD, I'm so glad the course in Chicago is flat because the hills around my house were killing me (think Belhaven, there are 2 just around my house). But I made it, got a good workout and then took a COLD shower. Brrr! But I'm not as sore as one would expect.

So next time I feel I'm not going fast enough, I need to look at my kids and watch them learn to walk. They don't give up. They keep on trying, helping each other out. No matter how many times they fall, they will eventually succeed.

And so will we. Keep on running!


The Miller's Blog said...

Oh. You put that nicely. You need to read the blog I just wrote. It eerily goes right along with yours. Great minds think alike I guess:) I've had a bad week in training, I'm trying a little harder as the week continues, though.

Chicago_or_Bust said...

Don't be discouraged. This is about more than just the Marathon. It is about personal development, discipline and developing relationships.

Take it slow - it is still 6 months til the Marathon. Do your intervals at a slower pace if you need to, but just keep on plugging and you will cross that finish line!

You ARE a Marathoner !


queen said...

great analogy! i'll keep that in mind as i struggle to wog along.

Robin said...

Great blog, Kayra!
BTW, I don't buy the sleep's probably a phase and I'll bet it goes back to them learning how to self-soothe and go to sleep on their own.
Put that guilt down, sister, it's too heavy and we can't afford any extra baggage with this training!

Kim said...

I have Explorer 7 at work & it's done weird things with blogs. I can post comments in other people's blogs, but not make an entry in mine--go figure.

Those parenting books only exist to make moms feel guilty, IMO.

I am in awe of how you can manage to do all you do!

Christa said...

Oh, that is beautiful! Quite a nice analogy too! Thanks for sharing! Can't wait to see you Saturday!

mag3 said...

Great blog amiga. Just what I needed to hear after my own blog from last night!! I'm on my way out now for my run/wog and I will think about what you said. About the parenting book thing, after 3 kids I've realized that each child is their own individual person and no matter how we may to mold them to what we want, Remember that God made them perfectly in HIS infinite wisdom. Just love them.
See ya Sat. LOL

Cincha said...

You hang in there! I can remember a few weeks ago thinking that I would never be able to run 30 minutes--much less 26.2 miles. But I've stuck with my training and just came in from a 4 mile run. I still have bad days--for sure. But they are getting fewer. Yours will too! :-)