Friday, May 4

Thinking like a runner

I was thinking just the other day about how much my way of thinking has changed since I signed up for MM.
For example, shoes. Before, I got dressed for work, and never gave a second thought to the height of the shoes I was wearing, or how they would affect my knees or feet. Now, I keep a pair of sandals in my office, so I can change into them during the day. I worry how heels are going to make my knees feel, or how my feet feel in a shoe.
I no longer care if I don't look "stylish" when I go somewhere, as long as my feet are comfy I'm happy.

Remember when Mark said we should "embrace the stench?" yeah, I remember Christa and I saying we just couldn't imagine ever doing that. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't like to stink but when I get back from my Sat. morning runs, I don't care what my hair looks like, or what I smell like. I'm a marathoner who just had a great run and I'm proud to embrace the stench. LOL

I have already mentioned the addiction to running clothes that apparently others are also experiencing. There is just something about "looking " the part that boost my confidence that I can finish this marathon, even when my knees are giving me trouble.

They are just achy, I think it may be partly bc of dehydration. They don't hurt as bad as they have before (which is good) but hurt enough to be annoying. So I didn't do anything yesterday. I know, I shouldn't be skipping but better now than have to sit out later, right?
I'm hoping the adrenaline rush on Saturday will help the aches go away.

Either way, we are marathoners. No one said this would be easy. Only 1% of the population does this. That statistic still blows my mind. Come October, we are going to be in that 1%. WOW


Chicago_or_Bust said...

Great blog! Don't feel guilty about a rest day here and there - you need to stay in touch with your body, and an occasional calculated rest of your knees seems to fit that pattern.

Saturday's excitement, adrenaline and the endorphin rush you will get in the race will surely wipe away the aches and pains!

See ya Saturday...


AmyW said...

I too am embracing the stench, and so that my fabric seats in my car don't permanently embrace it as well, I keep a really thick beach towel in there to completely cover my drivers seat with after a wog.
Thanks for the confidence boost in your comment on my blog. I tell my children all the time "Just ignore obnoxious people, and they'll go away, and will pick on someone else after a while." I need a dose of that in my own daily living. See you Saturday.

The Miller's Blog said...

What an awesome blog. And I definitely know what you mean about the stink! We are going to have a lot of that. But, while it may bother me at times, on Saturdays I just don't care. I love being around all the other mm'ers, and I love the rush that I get seeing everyone so motivated. So, let's all embrace the stink, and the sweat!!!!!!!!!

Kim said...


Cool post! Who'd've "thunk" we'd be marathoners :) Thanks for asking about me--I've been sick :( Hope to be in Raymond tomorrow since I preregistered. See you Saturday!:)