Thursday, March 29

Almost there...

Almost Friday!!!

Well, by the time I got home, my knees were hurting again. So I cancelled my XT. I put icy-hot cream on them, took some advil and called it a night, not before getting everyone ready for today.

I'm exhausted from today. another full day of steel toe boots. ouch. took some advil and didn't feel any pain most of the time I was outside. But now that I'm back in the office, the advil is wearing off. ouch, ouch, ouch.

It is not unbearable pain, but I don't want to push my luck, so I've been sitting out this week, hoping it will not turn into anything bigger.

I guess I should mention what I do exactly? I work in environmental remediation, so when a company is sampling the groundwater to determine if there is contamination, we go out to the site to make sure they are doing it by the book.
Some of the sites required hard hats and steel toe boots (I have a quite glamourous job, don't I?). Others don't but we usually end up in the middle of a field (like today) and I'm afraid of snakes. So I figured if I'm wearing my boots and one tries to bite me, it'll get the steel on the boots. LOL

So one day I may be in the office, nicely dressed, heels, makeup, and the next I'm out in the field, hard hat on, and steel toe boots. But I am not sure I would trade it for anything else. I've had other jobs that required me to be in the office all the time and I did not like it.

1 comment:

AmyW said...

Steel toed boots!! I think Cabelas catalog sells some kind of hunting boots that snakes can't bite through. Don't know if they are steel toed, but they are supposed to be snake proof. Might be worth checking out, if they are lighter, and more comfortable. Hope you get better soon. And, we now have a new dog, a new golden retriever puppy, age 13 mos. I will get her picture up soon. They take LOTS of my time and energy.